Limited Editions

I have been privileged to be involved in the production of some beautiful limited edition private press books. I have worked with many publishers, letter press printers, authors and photographers producing everything from Rolls Royce Picture books & film props to wonderful hand printed short runs and family memoirs.

Each edition is carefully discussed and designed to create a truly bespoke binding that will both enhance and protect its precious contents.

Below are some examples of past projects.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss any project.



Designed and printed by John Grice

Evergreen Press



Enclosures: Times and Places

Andrew Anderson

A collection of wood engravings by Andrew Anderson, with a foreword by Alan Powers

Evergreen Press, Stroud


The Catch: A Correspondence

Harold Pinter and Alan Wilkinson

Evergreen Press, Stroud


The Tiger's Bride by Angela Carter

Limited edition private press book printed by Sebastian Carter at Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge with 14 lino cut illustrations by Corinna Sargood.


Limited Edition of Feet of Clay by Paul Muldoon

Designed and printed by John Grice at Evergreen Press


Yarlington Treasury of English Verse

A privately published compilation by Charles Pugh of his favourite poems and lyrics.




The Beano Room & The Worst of Willy the Kid by Leo Baxendale.

Private publication.



The Egyptian Rituals by Florence Farr

Limited Edition published by Dr. Sally North Ill.